Lips modelling with hyaluronic acid – offer
Vivid, full, sensual, and above all well-moisturised lips are an attribute of every woman. If you are not pleased with the shape or size of your lips and you want to gain the dream size of your lips instantly, this procedure is just for you!
What does the procedure consist of?
The patients most often decide to address it with use of absorbing formulas, mainly because of safety, natural effect and possibility of correcting the procedure and dissolving the filler. This is why we use synthetic fillers to model the lips – most often hyaluronic acid or, e.g. autogenic fat tissue. Hyaluronic acid Is one of the safest formulas, which does not cause allergic reactions and decomposes spontaneously.
What is the course of the procedure? Is it painful?
After preparing the patient for the procedure and administering local anaesthesia into the skin on the lips, a formula, in a form of gel, is injected with a very thin needle, and subsequently, if it is necessary, the swelling areas are cooled. The whole procedure lasts about 1 hour. The pain perceived during the procedures depends mainly on the patient’s threshold of pain.
Results visible immediately (swelling disappears after 1-2 days):
- Adding up volume
- Highlighting the contour
- Lips asymmetry correction
- Moisturising the lips and restoring its firmness
- Risings the corners of the mouth
How long does the effect last?
It is an individual question, but the effect should stay for 6-12 months.
Contraindications for the procedure include:
- Pregnancy,
- Breastfeeding
- Local skin problems (active acne or active herpes),
- Tendency for hypertrophic scars formation
- Hypersensitivity to hyaluronic acid or immunological system diseases
- Age is not a contraindication – it can be performed on patient of all ages!
Aesthetic medicine procedures, including lips enlargement, are more and more popular and available. We would like to highlight the fact, that according to the manufacturer recommendations, in our clinic the procedures of lips enlargement and modelling are performed only by doctors, who have undergone a special training in this field.